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Thursday, March 24, 2011

NBA Eastern Conference Finals

After watching the 2011 NBA regular season, it is time for the bold and bodacious to make predictions. That's right, it's is playoff prediction time and my call for the Eastern conference Finals; yes you guessed it right, the top two teams will be going head to head for a conference title.

The Return of the Boston Celtics:
Of course I would like to touch on the green team. After an excrutiating defeat in Game 7 of the NBA Finals vs their arch-rivals (a team who's name I dare not write on this blog) the Cs are trying to retain their lead as all time NBA title holders. KG the bully, Rondo the quaterback, Ray Ray the Snipper The Truth and the Grand Pa Shaq have a proven playoff track record and have been to the last 2 of 3 conference finals (which they did win) when they were healthy. So they are 'Healthy' and very old but healthy and can make it to the Conference Finals "if" they remain healthy throught the post season. They will definitely have many obstacles which brings me to the other contender.

The Raging Chicago Bulls:
Derick Rose. Is there more to say? Derick Rose! Ok I guess the Bulls are stacked, but I can't help trying to imagine what they would have been like had LeBron James joined their squad. Luol Deng is on FAIYA this season (Sudanese converted to French player) and the heart of the team Noah (with Cameroonian roots, I just thought I'd throw that out there) made it through some injuries, the new addition Boozer the paint dominator. The Bulls have dept and I would be stupid to leave out the most important piece: Tom Thibodeau was the assistant defenssive coach with Doc Rivers of the Boston Celtics last year.

Each of these teams may face some tough competition from Florida. The Orlando Magic are proven playoff contenders and they look even better this season with Dwight Howrad still putting up sickening numbers and crushing the rim. The Turkish prince returned from Phoenix with some 3-point shooting talents partners that spread the court. Expect the unexpected from the Miami heat. Lebron James, Dwane Wade and Chris Bosh is all I need to mention because they account for 75% of Miami's points and get no help from their bench. Make your calls and lets enjoy the show.